
Welcome to Sukhyun Kim’s GitHub Page!

Hello, this is Sukhyun Kim.

I am passionate about solving business problems, and I become excited when I get to turn data into meaningful information.

I have studied in information systems and digital marketing in college. And, I’m currently in a data analytics bootcamp to widen my horizon.

You can find some of my school works and technical projects here.

If you have any questions, please contact me via my LinkedIn Profile.

Thank you!


IT Projects

Information Systems (ERP, CRM, EMR, etc.)

Web Design & Front-End Development

IT System & Business Proposal


Marketing/Sales Projects

Digital Marketing & Branding

Digital Marketing & Sales


Visual Projects

Graphic Design

Video Production & Editing



The files on this page are only available to recruiters and hiring staff, and it is to present my previous works as a reference. All the files are strictly private and personal and should not be copied, distributed or reproduced in whole or in part, nor passed to any third party.