Advisory Committee
Rev. Seung Hoon Shin
Senior Pastor, Glory Church of Jesus Christ (LA, Korea)
Chris Yoon, Ph.D.
Foundations and Ethics in Research, Advanced Educational Psychology, Seminar in Research Methods, ThesisProfessor
Ph.D., Educational Psychology, Purdue University, IN
M.Div., Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
B.A., Christian Education, Biola University
Sung Cho, D.Min.
Studying and Teaching the Bible, Family Dynamics, Church Ministries, Sermon and CommunicationProfessor
D.Min., Concordia Theological Seminary, IN
Th.M., Systematic, Westminster Theological Seminary, PA
M.Div., Reformed Episcopal Theological Seminary, PA
B.A., Kosin Theological Seminary, Korea
Paul Kim, Ph.D.
Christianity and Culture, Cross-cultural survey, Christian Ethics, Strategies in World EvangelismProfessor
Ph.D., Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary
Th.M., Systematic Theology, Talbot school of Theology
M.Div., Systematic Theology, Talbot school of Theology
B.A., Sociology, U.C. Berkeley
Hee Kap Lee, Ph.D.
Teaching and Cultural Diversity, Clinical Experiences in Curriculum and Assessment, Intern Teaching SeminarProfessor
Ph.D., Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University
M.S., Ministry, Cincinnati Bible Seminary
M.S., Counseling Education (Counselor certification), Yon Sei University
B.S., Pedagogy (Teacher Certificate, Middle School Social Studies), Han Yang University
Mark S. Yoon, Ph.D.
Preaching, Theological Writing and Research Methods, Hermeneutics, Spiritual Formation, Apologetics, Gospels, Pentateuch, Acts of the ApostlesAdjunct Professor
Ph.D., Program of Bible and Theology, Claremont School of Theology
M.A., Theological Studies, Claremont School of Theology
M.A., Theology, Graduate School of Religion in Sogang University, Korea
B.A., Theology, Seoul Theological University, Korea
Hyun Sang Joo, D.M.A.
Worship and Music, Performance Art and Culture, Introduction to Church Music, Contemporary Christian MusicAdjunct Professor
Doctor of Musical Arts, American Conservatory of Music
Doctoral Program in Orchestra Conducting, University of North Texas
Studied Orchestra and Opera Conducting, Julliard School of Music
M.A., Music Composition, Long Island University
B.A., Church Music, Dai Han Theological College, Seoul, Korea
Wonah Choi, Ph.D.
Christianity and Cultures, Intercultural Studies, Cross-Cultural Mission, AnthropologyAdjunct Professor
Ph.D., Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary
M.A., Cross-Cultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary
B.A., Anthropology, UCLA
John Sung Eun Lee
Media Studies, Study of Christian Education, Christian Education Administration, Small Group LeadershipAdjunct Professor
Ph.D., Christian Education (In studies), Union Presbyterian Seminary
M.A., Christian Education, Union Presbytrian Seminary
M.Div., Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary
B.A., Christian Education, Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary
Sang Kwon
Intro to Ministry, Study of Christian Education, Living Out a Christian Life, Church & Worldview Relations, Public Speaking, Essay WritingAdjunct Professor
Doctor of Educational Ministry and Leadership (In studies), The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
M.Div., Youth and Family Studies, Tyndale Seminary, Canada
Bachelor of Religious Education, TESOL Certification, Tyndale University, Toronto, Canada
Samuel Ohdal Kwon, D.Min.
Chapel, Worship, Living out a Christian LifeAdjunct Professor
D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary, PA
M.A., Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary
B.A., Theology, Dai Han Theological College, Seoul, Korea