The Reformed University has a physical library containing thousands of resource materials for student use. Textbooks, periodicals, news, commentaries, encyclopedias, and dictionaries are available. Library hours are available during the week in between class schedules as follow:Library Hours
Monday ~ Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Lending Policies
- All borrowers are required to fill out a library user application form.
- All borrowers must show a library card or student ID (for students) to check out books.
- Books are loaned for a three weeks (church member) or six week (students) period.
- Patrons are limited to having four books checked-out (six books for students) at one time.
- The overdue fine for circulating books is 10 cents a day.
- Renewals can be made twice unless another patron/student requests them.
- Reference books and periodicals cannot be checked out.
- The reserve shelf is located behind the circulation desk. Reserve materials are loaned for a two hour period and must be used in the library. Reserve items may be checked-out overnight, but they cannot leave the library until a half-hour before closing and must be returned within a half hour after the library opens the following day.
- Those borrowers who lose or severely damage a library book will be charged the full replacement value ($15.00 minimum).
Library Resources
For the students in the distance education program, the university sends to students required reading materials and books prior to the beginning of each semester. The university also finds and sends books or articles to students when they request extra study resources.For the distance education students, the university offers 3 online library systems which are appropriate and sufficient for the educational programs:
- The National Library of Korea ( This is a Korean national library system that provides free services for its members. The digital section of the library system provides millions of books, journals, magazines in every area of discipline. Students can retrieve and download necessary information to their computer and smart-phones via the internet by using the Reformed University's login information (ID: RU4009; Password: reformed1)
- National Assembly Library ( This is a Korean Congress library that provides free services for its members. The digital section of this library provides academic writing copies such as master's theses and doctoral dissertations. Students are able to view and subscribe such services by using the Reformed University's login information (ID: RU4009; Password: reformed1)
- EBSCO HOST ( The Reformed University faculty members have access to this online database system and help students to find necessary information.